Thursday 9 January 2020

The Plan....everyone needs a plan

We did this last year for 7, now that Sharon has retired, there is no need to hurry back. On our way from Vancouver to Seattle we stopped in Bellingham for some lunch..and I saw a pretty cool truck in use for towing boats in and out of the water.

 Got into West Seattle Tuesday afternoon and much to my surpise..missed any traffic problems and just slid right on in.

Wednesday was spent dickin around and then finally went to Pike Street Market in downtown Seattle. My friend Raye drove us down. 

 First Starbucks...ever....

 Shops everywhere....


This is a cheese shop...pic following....the cheese...

Lunch n chips and some fresh oysters..

And a walk to Pioneer Square...freakin chilly and damp

Took the county communter ferry back to West Seattle. 2.50 for seniors....yessir!!

1 comment:

  1. You need to get yourselves down to the desert where it's dry and warm!!
