Tuesday 25 September 2012

Kitwanga and Skeena River fall colours.

 The falls colours are out in full force. All it's going to take is one wicked wind storm...but until that happens....and if we can just get a good serious frost, then..man oh man....huge colour changes.

Trimming Diamond Willow. After
taking all of the bark and sinewy
bits, I let it dry for a month, then I can begin to dig away at it, getting it to the point of sanding and putting a finish on.

This is the confluence of the Skeena River and Boulder Creek. There is a great place to camp with a fabulous view, right out the rv bed area window.

ahh yes...the photgrapher...



Nothing beats a campfire and marshmallows.

Any idea what kind of
'shrooms, these are? Pretty
and maybe really not good to eat.


  1. Appear to be very nice examples of the Yellow-
    Orange Fly Agaric, Amanita Muscaria var. Formosa
    Considered poisonous. 'Although it is not deadly
    it should not be eaten because it contains toxic
    compounds that may cause sweating, deep sleep,
    and disorientation'.
    Best to you, Ingo

  2. Oh geeez.....thanks Ingo. I hadn't even touched them, for the reasons you have explained. So many different kinds of mushrooms and I dunno good from bad.

