Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Gary works a food truck...and a Sunday drive to cherry-ville

 One of my fave fantasies....just one of them, mind you.....is to have my own food truck. Lord knows what I would cook..I have considered the bbq meat thing, gourmet hot dogs and so on. So...I go to a truck here in Penticton last week and the guy is pretty proud of his bbq'd and smoked meats, and it WAS good. Really yummy. Then he is telling me about needing p/t help. Well hell....pick me, pick me....he says going to Show n Shine down in Osoyoos and needs help. I ask him..."what time you want me there?"..he was kind of startled but says...7:30am. See ya there......

This car pic I took at 8am and it was the only moment I had in the whole time. 

That was one hard day. I was deep fryer boy buried in the back...and...the kicker was...he has A/C in the truck but had it turned off because it was kicking off the circuit..and it was like...34c outside...fuck...sweating and my x busted ankle was just killing me. He and his wife had communication 'issues' when it got really busy..sort of barking at each other. 

This is the only pic I took from the truck

I may have lost my desire.....or....I just have to refine it.

I was just looking at some old photos....wow..look at me. A self-portrait. My trusty VW and fave orange fleece. I was to somewhere.

 We went off looking for the years first cherries on Sunday...yeah, the day after the food truck....had a really nice brunch in Oliver at the Cock and Bull. What the determining factor for choosing this place? they had a doggie water bowl. The temps are in the mid-30's C and that is some freakin hot.


Just driving along between Okanagan Falls and Oliver

Looking south along the way to cherry-ville....and I have always thought of the history of this particular rock face and have never been able to get a good shot of it. Got it this time...took a nasty wee dirt road that brought me right out over the highway.

Don't you just love the baskets of free this and that by the roadsides?

OHHH...right right...yes, we found bags of cherry's.

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