Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Almost settled in and finding our way....

We went to the Farmer Market Saturday (every Saturday is the plan)... and ended up have some food at the Dream Cafe..a bit of an institution here in Penticton....the owner, Pierre is a man well know in the music community and for good eats at his restaurant.

 He sat with us, we were able to buy some tickets from him to the big Dream Cafe music event this coming weekend....and then he invited his guests, to come by later and take in a concert with Jerry Doucette.


Someone bought a market bag...not that another bag was needed, but...who am I to say.

One of the motivators...moving to the Okanagan was the flatness of the terrain. Penticton itself is very flat...great for a bike riding fool..and his dog.

 Now...come summer there will be many many people here...all in teeeny tiny bits of clothing. God, I love that idea....

Look what people do to their dogs....the story I am floating is that Maya took off with a gang of dogs and when she came home....was a full patch member....



I was cycling along the Channel path yesterday and my reward..for what I  am not sure...was a bannock lunch. I was doing well until Sharon caught up to me and then it was share-share-share....

The McBannock...I kid you not...

Then it was the fry bread dessert

Make some maybe? I have made lots while RVing around. After making...just slather on jam and or peanut butter.... 

  1. Measure flour, salt, and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir to mix. ...
  2. Turn dough out on a lightly floured surface, and knead gently about 10 times. Pat into a flat circle 3/4 to 1 inch thick.
  3. Cook in a greased frying pan over medium heat, allowing about 15 minutes for each side.

Given the direction of this particular Blog posting you must think all I do is eat. Not so..I also sleep.

We had supper at a Thai place and the dinner was fine enough..but the deep fried banana? oh hell yesssss

The truth of matter is that we are having the house interior painted and we are still living out of boxes. Most of the kitchen stuff is still are the can bbq and so on...but we have place to even sit and eat except an outside table. Hopefully, by Saturday evening...we can begin to actually live here.

Just looked at the local FB Buy/Sell.....LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY!! Man...I so need this....


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