Monday, 25 April 2016

Life is what happens after making plans...update at bottom


I was cruising U Tube and came across this....and funny? OMG..I still have to watch parts of it....10 days screamingly funny.


So much frustration..but..plans seem to have solidified. Getting anything up north can be a hassle. ie: U Haul stuff. There is very little up here and what there often the small stuff. The big trucks and trailers are in short one big trailer within an 8 hr drive. One big truck..and I didn't bother researching where the next one might be..because I found one in Terrace.The plan 'was' to use buddy Gerry's cube van and tow a large trailer. Gerry's truck has a 16ft enclosed cabin. Friday...was a turning point in this plan because there are things wrong with his cube van. Some of which I payed to have repaired Friday afternoon. Then had a sleepless night..I knew that using his van was not one of the best choices. If it broke down en-route..buddy Gerry, who has no money, would be looking at me to pay for a fix. I had told him up front..Gary no pay to fixee. I would pay him, expenses and fuel and so on...but no fixee. Now..having payed 200 to fix the first, Saturday morning found and reserved a 26ft U Haul truck..that is one hour away in Terrace. Now then...the problem is..that even tho I have a reserved truck and number....they can phone me on Thursday and tell me the truck is taken. I am hopeful that I have established a voice relationship with the lady in Terrace so that if someone should call her to reserve...she would call me and tell me to come get it now..not wait till Friday. is not in stone.

 If it all goes according to this plan...well load Saturday and Sunday and head out early Monday morning..arriving in Penticton Tuesday afternoon.

No shortcuts Gary.....

 Image result for broken U Haul truck

And all went according to the plan. Picked up the 26ft`r, took two days to load God there is a lot of stuff. Usually, of course, one takes the opportunity to get rid of shit..but noooooooo. We got away by 8am, as far as Quesnel Monday night and that was a bit of hassle, just finding a motel room. Tree planting crews and the mill shut-down repair crews have the town pretty much filled right up. Plus, I needed to be able to plug in the freezer.

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