At the beginning of my blogging, one of things that I was tossing back and forth in my head was of 'monetizing' my Blog. Allowing Google/Blogger to access my Blog and place ads. At the time I was following an full-time RV'r, Vagabond Supreme ?? I think that was it...and he was earning up to $1,000 a month from his Blog, thru the Google software. So..I have to admit that this sounded pretty darned yummy to me. And it still does. I can be as involved or UN-involved as I like. I can choose which ads to dis-allow, I can choose the positions that ads will have..or I can do nothing more than say yes. I did some research and saw that the more monkeying with the ads a Blogger did, then the more of a negative impact this had on the earnings. So I figured...why mess with this stuff? So I chose to allow the Google software free reign. I am now in possession of my second cheque, for $105.+ I think the first one just over 100. Mind you, there is a two year gap between cheques, so I am not seeing an improved lifestyle quite yet, can hope.

Man, I got home just in started snowing this morning, Monday, and as of 6:30 pm? still coming down.
Glutten Free...the new catch phrase.
Geeez, don't I sound all better than Thou-ishy.... this showed up on my Facebook News Feed and I thought it deserved to be tried. No no..not by ME, for heavens sake...but someone out there will.
Chill coconut milk overnight, add vanilla and cinnamon and then whip....dairy free, sugar free, gluten free whipping cream..

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