Monday, 24 June 2013

Traitor dog and wandering about

Buddy Al with traitor dog....

A couple views of Vancouver from Spanish Banks...this is an area west of downtown. Out by UBC, if that means anything to you.

Looking west

And east.....

east with a northern flavour

Sharon and her brother,  Gary. He came over from Vancouver Island for the weekend.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what these re called...some kind of fruit from Asia...I shall find out.

You have to twist and break into them.

The fruit is kinda an orange? very soft and a nice gentle taste.

The old steam powered tug, Master. I have ridden on .this a bunch of times, years ago. Looks like they have run out of 'steam'..showing signs of neglect.

Honey, I forgot where I put the money.....called "Amnesty'....

Down to a Farmers Market in Vancouver's West End.

Traitor dog is cooling off in a pool....

Were in a pet store...this cat was 'staff'. Bought the doggy a bag of treats...dried salmon skin....

Oh stinks.....

Richmond..Steveston docks.....

 Sea urchin... used in Sushi dishes....

It was raining and there were orange tarps strung colour on fish and prawns.

There is an old community in Richmond called Finn Slough. It has been left alone..until a developer decided to put in a marina and fight is on.

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